The Arts

Finding pleasure in art as it awakens emotions within observers and creators, is developed in our art curriculum from the get go. The aim is to develop aesthetic awareness in students through the integration of feelings, imagination, and reason. The importance of the arts in our curriculum goes far beyond aesthetics, however. Students are encouraged to see themselves not only as admirers but also producers and beneficiaries of humanity´s collective works. Additionally we explore art within historical and cultural contexts as students see how art has shaped us throughout the ages. We believe that this study awakens individuals to new possibilities and perspectives that will lead him or her to question, understand and transform the world.

Chapel takes its commitment to art education seriously which is evidenced in our curriculum and across disciplines . We are fortunate to have curated over the 50 years of the Chapel Art Show Program, more than 300 works of art which are displayed all over campus . Our students are surrounded by authentic pieces and we take full advantage of this unique condition.

This impressive collection grows every year and is documented in the Chapel Art Collection book and. These works are continually exhibited for the benefit of our community. Additionally, The Chapel Art Show, which is a charitable exhibition, takes place biannually alongside an extensive educational program for our students and the larger community
